Nulevel Wellness Medspa specializes in Sexual Wellness.  With over 55 years of combines experience in urology, we have developed and customized treatment protocols that support better sexual function.

We know sexual issues can be a sensitive topic. We also know there are not many places to turn to have those conversations. We have created an environment that is comforting and also provides the solutions you are seeking. Having those conversations are important to start on your journey to a better sex life. Make your appointment today to see if any of these treatments are right for you.


WOMEN-Rev Up Your Sex Life!

O-Shot: Using your own blood to regenerate vaginal tissue and help with orgasms, pain, and urinary incontinence.

Soundwave Therapy: This device stimulates remodeling of the entire female genitourinary system. It augments the cellular regeneration of the O-Shot.

IV therapy: Recommended at the onset of your treatment to jumpstart your cellular reset. Your cells get infused with the nutrients necessary for regeneration. We also add specific amino acids that aid in optimal sexual function.

Peptides: Sexual desire and arousal in women is of utmost importance. Mind and body connection plays a role and we have ways to address this. But let’s start with a peptide injection multiple times a week that explodes your desire and arousal. This helps fill that gap while the treatments are regenerating tissue. But why ever stop using them when your sex lift becomes that hot!

HRT: As we age, our hormones decrease, greatly affecting our cellular and physical function. We will check your hormone levels and optimize for the lasting effects of our REV treatment.

To further escalate your sex life, we can add Stem Cell or Exosome treatment with your O-Shot in our REV+ package!


Compounded Medications

Cialis & Tadalafil can be used in women too. We have compounded low-dose options that help with blood flow and arousal. Cialis and Viagra have anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties in low doses and you miss all the side effects.

Oxytocin is the cuddle hormone. It can also lead to better orgasms and a heightened sexual experience overall.

Scream Cream is a mixture of medications used to increase the amount of blood flow to the vaginal tissue to increase the stimulatory response.

REV for Women—Only At NuLevel Wellness Medspa

REV is a sexual wellness treatment protocol at Nulevel Wellness Medspa that comprehensively optimizes sexual wellness in women. By combining O-Shot, Softwave Therapy, Scream Cream, Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy, IV nutrient therapy, peptides, and more.

Optimizes sexual performance by regenerating on a cellular level. REV is a cutting-edge comprehensive treatment protocol in regenerative medicine with little to no downtime. Whether you are suffering from sexual issues, urinary incontinence, or just want better orgasmic strength, REV may be THE solution for you!

MEN - It's Time to Get Back in the Game

P-Shot: The P-Shot uses your own blood to help regenerate erectile tissue and help with blood flow. This means better erections and orgasms.

Soundwave Therapy: Acoustic shock wave therapy is used to improve blood flow in the penis. Soundwave is used to boost performance and to improve blood flow seen with aging, medical conditions, and ED.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Hormones can play a big part in sexual changes that men experience as they age. If hormones are an issue, we will find imbalances and address them. Better energy. Better mood. Better sex. Testosterone is a life force for men!

IV therapy: We have nutrient IV therapy that can be used to optimize cell health and we add in some amino acids that can boost your sexual function.

Peptides: PT-141 is a sexual function peptide. Peptides are amino acids and proteins that help give the body back what it needs for better function. PT-141 is a peptide that helps boost your sex life. It may help a man regain confidence while the regenerative treatments are being performed. They can work when the little blue pill does not. These peptides can be used to enhance your sexual experience even if erection strength does not seem to be a problem.

Cialis (Tadalafil) / Viagra (sildenafil): These PD5 inhibitors help with blood flow. We have many different options for these medications alone or in combination. In combination, it can add an immediate and long-acting effect in one dose. Low doses of these medications are available for daily use—that offer all the benefits but without the side effects frequently experienced with the full dose.

REV for Men—Only At Nulevel Wellness Medspa

REV is a sexual wellness treatment protocol at Nulevel Wellness Medspa that comprehensively optimizes sexual performance in men. By combining SoftWave Therapy (Acoustic shock wave therapy), P-Shot (PRP injections), IV nutrient therapy, peptides, HRT, and more.

REV optimizes sexual performance by regenerating on a cellular level. Rev is a cutting-edge comprehensive treatment protocol in regenerative medicine with little to no downtime. Whether you are suffering from sexual dysfunction or just need a boost in the bedroom, REV may be THE sexual solution for you! 


Erectile dysfunction occurs when you can’t have an erection or keep an erection that’s firm enough to have sexual intercourse. This problem can develop because of many possible causes.

An enlarged prostate, Peyronie’s disease, sleeping disorders, depression, stress, and obesity can all cause erectile dysfunction. If you have diabetes, your risk of erectile dysfunction is double or triple the risk of men who don’t have diabetes.

Of all the causes, however, vascular disease is the most common reason men develop erectile dysfunction. To have an erection, the arteries in your penis must dilate, allowing extra blood to flow into the blood vessels and produce an erection.

When your blood vessels are damaged or blood flow is blocked, you can’t have an erection. Atherosclerosis often blocks the arteries, while your blood vessels may be damaged by high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and smoking.

Treatment Options

PDE5 Inhibitors

Medications such as Viagra or Cialis dilate blood vessels when stimulated.

Urethral Suppositories

These require the patient to place a small pellet in the tip of the penis.  The medication, Aloprostadil, helps pull blood into the penis to help cause the erection to take place. 

Vacuum Erection Device

VED (Vacuum Erection Device) is an external pump that creates a seal around the base of the penis. When it is turned on, it pull blood into the corpora creating a rigid erection. A penile ring is placed at the base of the penis to help maintain the erection.

Tri-Mix Injections

These are a mix of three different medications that when combined and injected into the base of the penis using a small diabetic needle, creates a rigid erection that can last up to 1.5 hours. Dosing can be individualized to each patient’s needs.

Inflatable Penile Prosthesis

This is an outpatient surgery where the corpora (tubes that hold blood when erect) are replaced with silicone cylinders. When the patient wants to have intercourse, a small balloon pump is squeezed and sterile water inflates the cylinders causing a rigid erection.

Softwave Therapy

SoftWave Therapy is employing the use of soundwaves to improve bloodflow to the penis by recruiting stem cells to produce angiogenesis (making new blood vessels) and neurogenesis (making and repairing new nerves) for the erection process. These painless treatments are conveniently completed in the office over the course of six to help restore damaged tissue.

Platelet Rich Plasma (P-SHOT)

The Penile PRP Shot (P-shot) is a non-surgical alternative proven to improve the size, strength, circulation, and straightness of the penis. Because the shot contains plasma-rich platelets derived from your own body, it is virtually painless and doesn’t result in allergic reactions.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy is a non-surgical alternative also proven to improve the size, strength, and circulation of the penis. Stem cells taken from embryonic blood have the highest known nutrient factors to help restore damaged tissue.