Over time, and with exposure to gravity and UV light, our faces and necks accumulate damage in the form of “photoaging” and aging in general. UV radiation injures these important proteins, leading to the accumulation of damage in the form of wrinkles, drooping skin, broken blood vessels, mottled pigment, and sun spots.

ResurFX Laser

At NuLevel we use the ResurFX fractional laser.  It is a FDA approved , state-of-the-art, non-invasive treatment used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, traumatic scars, stretch marks and other textural irregularities. It is clinically proven safe for most skin types.  Laser skin resurfacing accomplishes a refreshed, vibrant complexion without resorting to invasive surgery.  A series is recommended for best results and can be repeated at four week intervals. 


This treatment combines IPL and ResurFX to improve skin tone and texture. A series is recommended for best results. Treatments can be repeated in four week intervals.