The power of broad-spectrum light is harnessed to provide deep, penetrating energy that will transform your complexion and renew your spirits. In just a few short sessions, your skin will show remarkable improvement from superficial imperfections and everyday damage. The light therapy works on multiple layers of your skin, while simultaneously preserving and protecting the healthy cells. IPL photofacial is a giant leap forward in non-invasive skincare that produces dramatic, stunning results. Come visit NuLevel Wellness MedSpa for an IPL photofacial.


The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) procedure is ideal for addressing a variety of skincare needs, from facial redness and rosacea, to acne scars, sun damage, age spots and enlarged pores or blood vessels, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Not only the face, but also the neck and hands may be addressed. All of these unwanted blemishes are beautifully smoothed away with this gentle, non-ablative treatment. Lumenis IPL with optimal pulse technology lets your provider may customize your treatment to your skin type and specific concerns. A series of 3 to 6 is recommended for best results and can be repeated at 4 week intervals. 

Please note that those with dark complexions, or those who have undergone recent spray tanning, are not considered good candidates for IPL.


This treatment combines the IPL and ResurFX to improve skin tone and texture. A series is recommended for best results.  Treatments can be repeated in 4 week intervals.